For this reason, people who write this trope must remember to give royal status suitable drawbacks that she wants to get away from. When written badly, this trope evokes a spoiled brat who is simply whining about how bad their palatial life is when they have never seen how the "lower classes" live their "rebellious nature" is not based in any actual ethics or logic. She may also be a Politically-Active Princess depending on the nature of her "rebellion". Mage princesses are more likely to be found Kicking Ass in All Her Finery. Sometimes the Rebellious Princess is the White Magician Girl, but not always: in video games, she can also be an archer, warrior, or Black Magician Girl. She usually qualifies as a Royal Who Actually Does Something. This will sometimes invoke Marry for Love not only as another way for her to rebel, but to also get out of an Arranged Marriage. If she's not the hero, quite often she's the hero's love interest. The Rebellious Princess is usually a teenager, typically brash (since it goes hand in hand with being rebellious). The only options are to throw off your frilly dress and to run off with the first hero who passes through (in old-fashioned stories), or set off for adventures on her own on the sly (in the modern ones). To the Rebellious Princess, being part of the royal family is overrated: You have no control over the path of your life, your responsibilities are numerous and burdensome (or not burdensome enough), you're generally under everyone's thumb, or you're destined to live unhappily in a political marriage.